V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is fantasy thriller movie whitch is written by The Wachowski Brothers. It is based on a comic book with the same name. These episodes happen in a near-future dystopian society London. The mysterious man, V, is going to change the whole society system with his own way, while he is executing his private vendetta.

The main character, Evey Hammond is a young lady, whitch Mr. V saves from secret police, and after that Evey is proving V’s destruction of Old Bailey. The government says that is was only emergency demolition, but the lie comes esposed by V who talks over BTN. Evey tries to help V to escape, but same time gets herself in danger. This movie is also some kind of lovestory, but different one. The most remarkable moment in this movie, also in my mind is the line where the secret police chief Creedy asks for V that ‘’Why won’t you die?’’ and then V answers ‘’Behind this mask is more than bones and blood, behind this mask is an ism, Mr. Creedy, and isms are bulletproof.’’

And some special day, all the dead people will be seen walking with others who live.
V for Vendetta is maybe one of the best movies I have ever seen since Avatar. The meaning of this movie is very intelligent and after it I have been hoping many times that there should be person like V, who will do those same things to this world too. I really would recommend this movie to everyone. It has very good effects and thrill, so you should absolutely watch that movie!

Written by Emilia R