Full Stop

I decided to read a short story named ”Full Stop” which is written by Alecia McKenzie. The short story is in Open Road 5 and reading and writing about it is part of our course.

Full Stop is a story about old Grandmother Scottie who has raised Carmen and her little brother Richard. Carmen thinks that Grandma is her mother because she raised her. And relations with her mother (whose name is not given) is ice cold.

The story is told by letters. 73-years old grandmother Scottie and her grandchild Carmen are writing short letters to each others. They are telling about their living. The letters include just basic stuffs, like things about relationships and how they have been doing. Grandmother writes without any punctuation; commas or full stops. In every letter she sends greetings to Carmen’s husband Normy and concludes them with ”God Bless you”, because she is a Christian.

Along letters Carmen regularly sends her Grandmother money for specific purpose. The money is intended for paints, painter and burglar bars. Carmen wants to take care of Scottie because she thinks she’s her mom.

When Carmen was born, her parents were so young that they couldn’t take care of her, so that’s why grandmother has raised her. In the story Carmen is almost thirty years old and she haven’t ever seen her mother. So her mother is a complete stranger to her. Nevertheless, Carmen’s mother is continuously trying to contact her daughter by letters. Carmen isn’t happy about that because she doesn’t consider her as a mother.

Women have totally different versions of what has happened. In Carmen’s real mother’s opinion they made an agreement which grandmother has broke. The intention was that Scottie would have been kept Carmen for only a while until her parents get enough money to take care of her and her brother. Carmen’s mother thinks that Grandmother had been hiding children, because she don’t like their nonmember father. In Grandma’s point of view Carmen’s mother is a snake in the grass. She urges not to believe anything Carmen’s mother says.

I do believe that grandmother is right. Carmen’s real mother is clearly not have been interested about her children. Right after she had had her baby, she moved to another city and left Carmen to her grandmother. Though she was young and poor, its not normal to leave newborn just like that. I think she does’t have the right to keep in touch after such a long time.

Overall the sort story was quite simple but still interesting. It was easy to follow the text even though grandmother’s letters does’t contain any punctuations. It was a good story and I would recommend to read it.

Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. It tells the story of a dystopian world where everyone is equal ”every which way”. In this world of equality smart people are forced to dumben down to the intelligence level of the least smart. Basically making everyone equally dumb. Smart people are forced to wear equipment meant to stop strains of thought. Equality is also extended to physical qualities for instance everyone is the same height and beautiful people are forced to wear ugly masks.

The story is told from the eyes of two parents, George and Hazel Bergeron whose 14-year-old son Harrison is taken away into a prison for being too perfect. George was also similar to his son and had to bear a heavy bag full of lead balls and a ”mental handicap radio” in his ear. His wife, Hazel, on the other hand was ”average” intelligence which meant a very short attention span. Hazel is the ideal kind of person in the society, the kind the whole society was made for. In other words she’s the ”winner” in the society as in the normal world there would be many people much smarter than her. The son Harrison was so smart he became a menace to the society and an enemy of state. After being locked in prison with extremely severe handicaps he still managed to break out and cause havoc on live TV. Harrison recognized his own intellectual and physical superiority over the other severely dumbed down people and got the idea he was supposed to lead them.

Compared to present day America this dystopian world has several differences concerning peoples rights and freedoms. The dystopian world doesn’t allow people to freely live their lives unless they’re absolutely ”normal” and proceeds to limit the freedom of anyone better. The rights are the same but the society removes the means to exert these rights.


(500) Days of Summer

(500) Days of Summer – Movie Review

(500) Days of Summer was released in 2009 and it’s comedy drama film. It’s directed by Marc Webb and written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber. The movie is starred by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.

The movie tells about Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel), a girl who doesn’t believe true love exists, and Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a guy who falls in love with her. The story is not a love story but it is a story about love. Tom thinks that Summer is a love of his life, but Summer doesn’t even believe in love. They still start to date with each other but that doesn’t work out very well.

The movie is presented in a nonlinear narrative, as the movie jumps from various days within the 500-day period of Tom and Summer’s relationship. That’s why you need to focus on the movie that you know what day it is.

A soundtrack of this movie was released on July 14, 2009 and it includes 16 songs. The music is indie rock, alternative rock and folk.

I like the movie and I think it is great but sometimes I feel that it was hard to keep up with day it was because of that jumping back and forth between days but it also makes the movie interesting. I also like how the movie ends.

The Thing (1982)

In the year 1982 a movie named ”The Thing” was released. The Thing is a horror/scifi- movie from the freezing Antarctic. It tells the story of 12 men stranded in an isolated science station. The film was directed by John Carpenter. The writer of the original story which the movie is based on is John W. Campbell Jr. and the screenplay adjustment was made by Bill Lancaster. The most notable actor in the film is Kurt Russell who also stars the film.

Camerawork in the film is marvelous. There’s a simple indicator of this: At no point in the movie you take note of it. After all the purpose of cameras is to take you into the film’s world and show the characters perspectives. It’s smooth and helps build tension in long still scenes.

Plot-wise the movies shines. Horror films have a tendency to be boring and not that scary at least from a personal perspective. The Thing doesn’t scare you right of the bat either but the idea of the film is very scary: The monster could be any one of us, even a person you know closely. How can you trust anyone? The sci-fi plot is simple enough and easy to follow and understand. The plot avoids the mistake of explaining everything too elaborately so you won’t get caught criticizing the scientific explanation behind it. Instead you focus on the plot itself. The beginning is rather slow but the movie starts building tension slowly from the very beginning and you will get grasped by the plot from the beginning till the very end by plot twists and characters. The characters in the movie all have a certain role which you can expect in a scientific research center in the middle of the Antarctic. They all have their own personalities but the movie doesn’t delve into them and they stay a bit shallow, except for the main character. Kurt Russell does a good job acting the personality of the main character during moments of fear and chaos.

From the audiovisual perspective it’s everything you can expect from an 80s film. The enhanced version looks sharp and good even from an HD television or display. Animating technology was still in it’s baby steps in the 80s so you can expect some scenes to look rather ”raw” from a modern day perspective. The soundtrack is very good for a horror film and helps build up the tension especially in the beginning of the film. Sound effects are good but are nothing shocking. The alien sounds effects are kinda odd but maybe that’s the point of them. They are ”alien” sound effects after all. All the sounds from the real world counterparts sound realistic like the flamethrowers and helicopters. The sound of the desolate Antarctic is also great with wind blowing the whole time outside. The constant snowing and big piles of snow covering the buildings also create a great impression of the icy Antarctic.

Overall the film is solid on all fronts from the music to the plot. The movie still holds it’s charm even though it was made 30 years ago. It’s said to be one of the best horror films of all time and has influenced modern day horror and sci-fi genres by a lot. A prequel of the film was made in 2011 telling the story of the alien’s origin but it failed to keep up to the high standards left by the original.


Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine was released in 2006 and it’s directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. It’s starred by Abigail Breslin (Olive), Toni Collette (mom, Sheryl), Greg Kinnear (dad, Richard), Steve Carell (Olive’s uncle, Frank), Paul Dano (Olive’s big brother, Dwayne) and Alan Arkin (drug addict grandpa,Edwin ).  Film has won two Oscars and it’s a comedy.

The film tells about little Olive, who wants to win Little Miss Sunshine – beauty contest and Olive’s strange family. Family takes 800-mile road trip to this contest. Journey brings family more closer together even it’s a really hard trip for everyone. The plot is really funny but it also provokes thoughts. Film includes some black humor which makes spectator laugh but it’s also extreamly touching and could bring some tears on eyes. The story is so warm and absorbing that it never gets boring.

All of the characters are brilliant! Abigail Breslin (Olive) is so sympathetic little girl that you can only smile. My personal favourite is Alan Arkin (grandpa) foul-mouthed grumpy old man. I think it’s a bit shame that he dies at film. (Because he uses too much drugs) Also Toni Collette (mom) plays incredibly well tired overworked mom’s role. Overall i think that all of the actors have really succeed.

I think that the film’s soundtrack suits perfectly for atmosphere. Songs does emphasize the happy or sad mood well and the film becomes even more touching. Also camera work is great and brings the spectator closer to the characters.

I don’t actually have anything bad to say about Little Miss Sunshine. It’s a beautiful story about unlucky family and how everything after all goes fine. I really do recommend this for everyone who loves funny stories with unexpected plot twists.