Why, Honey?

Why, Honey? by Raymond Carver is a short story written in letter format, where mother (the narrator) tells of his son.

When mother’s son turned 15 she started to be more considered of his son behavioral. Before teenage years her son was a normal child, but suddenly he started to behave oddly.

First time, when mother find out of his son’s weird acting was after Fourth of July, when their cat Trudy gone missing. Cat was found dead from neighbor’s backyard. Neighbor told the Mother that he’d seen his son torturing their cat to death. – First mother couldn’t believe it but as the time has gone, she started to believe it.

Her son started lying and things between them got worse. Son lied about his salary which he said was 80 dollars, but his mother found out that the real salary was 28 dollars. Mother just couldn’t realize why her son would lie such a thing.

Next odd act from her son was when he lied again this time son lied of his free time. He said that he’d be watching some show, but in reality he were in school dance or riding with somebody in a car.

Mother started to be real considered of his son when he started laying of school field trips and when she found bloody shirt at back of his trunk with his knife and shotgun. Son told her that he had a bloody nose that day, but the Mother didn’t know either believe his son or not.

She started to get real nervous around his son. One day she tried to ask why he was acting so weirdly and why he wasn’t telling the truth. He son told her to kneel, but instead of kneeling to her son she just ran to her room, locked the door and never said anything to his son ever again.

Mother still knew what was going on in her son’s life, even though they really didn’t meet. She read things of her son from the paper and hear what he was doing.

I think that the mother had right to be considered of his son. I think every mom would be when they find out that their child is lying and ’playing’ with them.
Last paragraph suggest that mother didn’t want to be recognized or known or find, she didn’t want to be known as a mother of his son or she didn’t wanted to be contacted with anybody from the past. I think mother was quite reliable. I don’t know why she would lie of his son in the way she wrote.

I think the mother is writing to son’s father.

Ice Age 4: Continental Drift

Ice Age movie series are about friendships which last through the hard times. They are about love of family and band between family members. Ice age movies are for all ages from baby to grandpa, they aren’t so long, so they’ll be just perfect for families with children.

Main characters in the Ice Age 4 Continental Drift film are Manny the mammoth, Diego the saber-toothed tiger, Sid the sloth, Ellie (mammoth), Peaches (Manny’s and Ellie’s daughter), Crash and Eddie (opossums, Ellie’s brothers) and also Scrat (squirrel).
Ice Age Continental Drift movie starts with scene where the same old obsessed squirrel starts continental drift with his acorn, surprisingly continental drift starts when the squirrel tries to hide acorn to the ground, but suddenly ground underneath him starts to crack, and next thin squirrel knows he’s in the earth’s core. While he tries to reach his acorn the core starts to move, and while he’s moving the core he separates continental plates. The following results Manny ends up on ice floe with Diego, Sid and Sid’s crazy grandmother and they drift away from Manny’s wife and daughter and after all from their homes to the open sea.
In the sea they face with the pirates, who tries to kidnap them. In a fight they get a hint how to get back home. When Manny, Sid and Diego gets to the turning point back home, they again meet pirates. And for getting back home they have to get pass the pirates and steal their ship, which isn’t so easy, so they confederate with quokkas (little animals living in the turning point). As the story goes on Manny, Sid, Diego and Sid’s mother gets the pirate’s ship and are heading back to home for family reunion. After sailing over the sea when they finally get back home, but the pirates have got there faster and kidnapped Manny’s family. Manny fights for his family with little help and wins the bad guys. After the battle Manny and all the others realize that their home has gone they’ll head to the new place to live. And that where the story ends, expect Scrat’s story. Scrat has sailed over the sea to find Acorn island. In the Acorn island is this giant acorn as a symbol and as a cork for the sea, so it would not drain away. But as you may see where this is going – Scrat unplugs the acorn cork and the whole sea will drain away and this is the explanation (from the movie writers) how Sahara has come in to as it is now days.

Ice age 4 teaches us about how important family is and how much effort you have to put on it. It describes family reunion and how difficult it might be to be able to reach your love ones from far away and to get back to them. I think this movie tries to describe families whose members are faraway on a mission or in service in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa or in some other place and how hard it is sometimes to be without them and how desperately  families just want to be together.

Ice Age 4 was pleasure to watch and I personally could rave about it and I will definitely recommend it to everybody. Thank you for reading this article, hope you got the good view of the movie.