Tietoja henriikka

English teacher at Porin lukio

Slumdog Millionare

“Slumdog Millionare” is a British drama movie which directed by Danny Boyle and written by Simon Beuafoy in 2008. The movie is setting and filmed in India. The movie´s starring are Dev Patel and Freida Pinto. The movie has won many prizes, inter alia eight Oscar, seven Bafta and five Golden Globes.

The movie tells about Jamal Malik, who takes part in “How Wants to Be a Millionare” -game. Flashbacks allow him to remember his life and by them, he answers to the questions and progressing in the game. The story starts in Indian slum where young Jamal lives with his mum and brother Salim. Unfortunately the rebels kill their mum and they have to escape. With their new friend Latika, they will see the dark side of India. They will meet the bad people who don´t care anything else except money. They will experience things that anybody shouldn´t. They are forced to experience the prostitution, the violence and unscrupulous exploitation. Kids are driven apart and all of them have to survive now on their own. Jamal has never forgotten love his life, Latika and so he decides to found Latika. Finally he will take part in the very popular television game “How Wants to Be a Millionare” to find her. By his memories of his life, he answers to questions in a right way and proceed towards top price. That causes distrust with police and program makers who believe that Jamal has cheated to win money. This causes difficulties to Jamal, who isn’t interested in money but something totally else.

I think that the movie´s innermost-plot is very simply. The boy fallen love for the girl and the girl fallen love the boy but they can´t be together. Nevertheless the plot contains also many others things. It is a survival-story. The film makes an interesting fact that you can´t find the movie like that in anywhere. It is unique. The film is a thought-provoking storyline and it feels very realistic. Even it is very fast-moving, you can easily understand that and live in it. The end of the story is a little bit too predictable but it is full of plot twists and the end of the story has been succeeded to make touching.

In my opinion the director Danny Boyle succeeded well. He succeeded to create very credible and sometimes unfertile, beautiful and touching movie. He combines India´s different sides of impressive and credible entity. In fact my opinion is that “Slumdog Millionare” –is the best direction which he has achieved so far. No less he won “the best director Oscar” –award for his movie “Slumdog Millionare” and I think that he deserved it.

Dev Patel acts protagonist Jamal Malik. A child actors Tanay Chheda and Ayush Kheder act Jamal too. Both of them make impress me, especially their young age, qualified and credible actor performance. Patel acts very well in the movie but stay still a little bit vapid. He could be more credible and acts braver. Jamal´s brother Salim is acting by Madhur Mittal, Azharuddin Ismail and Ashutosh Gujiwala. Everybody of them acted very well. They look like each other in the film which creates credibility. The film´s beauty and Jamal´s love, Latika is acting by Freida Pinto, Rubina Ali and Tanvi Lonkar. Ali and Lonkar act younger version of Latika and their portion of the film stay very short and maybe that’s why they can´t make a big impress. Pinto makes the impress of her sweetness and abilities. She will stay positively in my mind. 

The film´s music is very inspiring. It fits perfectly almost in every part. It is avid. But on the other hand the dancing and the playing music in the end of the movie are unnecessary and it makes me wonder important of the all movie. And is a big fail for A. R. Rahman, who was responsible for music. 

Corresponds to the description of the movie is Anhtony Mantles, who has worked with director Danny Boyle in previous films. The film describes a lot of the landscape from the slums to the fine palaces. There is not much objectionable about description. It is enjoyable to watch and you can really feel atmosphere of the film.

All in all “Slumdog Millionare” –movie is very emotive, brave movie that everyone should see. Personally, it was one of the best movies I have ever seen and I recommend others also to watch it.

Written by toivonenn


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