Why, honey?

I read the small story called ”Why Honey?”, By Raymond Carver. The story is basically a letter from a worried and oppressed mom, a letter in which she describes her life with an oddly behaving and lying son. She is writing  The mom constantly finds herself being lied to by his son about such things as the case of their cat dying, his wages, this job and so on.  It seems that she’s suspecting that her son is practicing something homicidal, while actually she has no evidence relating to anything. All she has is her imagination and little ’clues’ like the bloody shirt in the trunk of his car. She seems to assume that whatever it is her son is supposedly doing, it’s something criminal and/or violent.

The mother seems very paranoid, she describes how she ’sees’ people spying on her and how she changed her address and got an unlisted number to keep his son from contacting her. She wanted him to think that she was dead. She is writing the letter as a reply to an unknown man who has been asking about her son. At the same time she’s amazed but doesn’t seem to be suspicious of who she’s writing to.

In my opinion, the person she’s writing to is her son after all. I can’t really justify my suspicions, I just feel like it, and it would kind of fit the overall theme of the whole story. In the end I think that the son wasn’t the one acting weird and suspiciously, I think that mother herself is the one who’s insane, judging from her actions and the way she writes and describes the whole story. After all, her son turned out to be very successful, which could be quite unusual for a homicidal and lunatic person.

The American Psycho

The most recent film that I’ve watched is probably the American Psycho. I’ve seen this particular film a numerous times but I decided to watch it again.

The plot itself goes like this; the main character, Patrick Bateman (played by Christian Bale) is a materialistic wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in the late 1980′s. His life consists mostly of dining in fancy restaurants and practicing his materialistic behavior in his lifestyle, which includes a strict morning exercise and a beautification routine, his  extensive music collection and his taste for rather expensive designer clothes. Behind all this he commits rape, murder and torture.

I don’t want to write a more specific description of the plot as I want to avoid spoiling the movie for people that haven’t seen it yet.

The genre is pretty evident; it’s a thriller. More specifically, a satirical psychological thriller. You could even call it social horror if you will. Not much to say about this, it’s kind of obvious that the film is pretty peculiar and freaky from time to time. It can be quite hard to understand and it’s quite oppressive. As you might imagine, not everyone will like it and it is a rather violent and graphical film.

The camerawork is pretty straightforward, nothing special, nothing bad. Your usual good camerawork with no considerable flaws whatsoever. The camera is placed well within the scenes.

The soundtrack is composed by John Cale (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cale) and it’s pretty fantastic althought I don’t know that much about movie soundtracks or orchestral music. There is not much to say about that either, the soundtrack that is, other than it fits the movie very nicely and really reinforces the atmosphere of the overall movie. Here is an example of the soundtrack in this particular movie; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVwFlPI5go&feature=related

The special effects are quite detailed and well made. The most effects you see thought, are blood and other graphical events. There are not that much special effects in the scenes except for the lighting.

Overall, the movie is very good and enjoyable if you happen to like this kind of movies. It’s worth the watch.