Fan Fiction / Cross-over: The Big Bang Theory & Supernatural

The Big Bang Theory is an American comedie series. It tells about two physicists, Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter, and their friends who are also geeks except Penny, their good-looking neighbour. Supernatural is a horror and kind of drama series, in which the Winchester´s brothers Dean and Sam are fighting against demons and other paranormal creatures.

The story:

Sheldon and his friends Leonard, Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Koothrappali are eating Chinese fast food at Sheldon and Leonard´s apartment like every Tuesday night. An interesting conversation is going on:

Sheldon: Did you know that the original recept of 7 Up included Lithium because its effect which levels down the changes of the emotions…

Penny rushes in and interrupts: Hi guys, sorry I´m late, where´s my meal? Oh thank you Leonard. Have you noticed that there´s some kind of living creature in one of the washing machines? It´s really creepy.

Also Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette Rostenkowski Wolowitz join the group, while they have come to see Penny. Bernadette is Howard´s wife and Amy Sheldon´s girlfriend -believe it or not. Bernadette: Yeah, it´s noisy, we heard it, too. What could it be?

Penny: I don´t know. I didn´t have enough courage to open the machine and check it out…

Leonard: Well, I could open it.

Rajesh whispers something to Howard, because he can´t spek when there are women in the room. Howard laughs and says to Leonard: There´s our knight with his white horse coming to save his princess! Leonard glares at Howard and Rajesh.

Sheldon: It´s possible that you have imagined the whole thing. I always wash my clothes in the same laundry and I have never heard anything unusual. 

Amy: But I was there and heard that too though I´m a neurobiologist. I don´t imagine things. Sheldon: You´re a neurobiologist but that´s not an excuse you couldn´t go nuts.

Rajesh whispers something to Howard again. Howard: Rajesh is scared. He thinks that it can be a ghost. (giggeling)

Leonard: Let´s go and see what´s going on. And the whole group gathers in the laundry.

Neither Leonard, Rajesh or Howard venture to open the washing machine to see inside of it, because the creature clanks and clatters the machine every once in a while. Sheldon tries. He reaches slowly the washing machine and knocks three times: Knock, knock, knock, who is there? And then the creature makes a noise: Knock. Knock. Knock…

Sheldon goes in panic and shouts: It can´t be impossible, it exists!

Howard: Maybe we should call to these Winchester brothers, you know, these men from television? If it really is a ghost… Howard gets the honour to call them, of course, because it was his idea.

A while

Dean and Sam arrive. Sam: Are we in the right place? Someone called us because of some kind of demon. Howard: Yes, this is the place.

The creature makes a horrible noise and Amy says: Oh no, this is like in Hell! Dean: You have no idea. I have been there.

Sam: Back in business. Let´s face it! Dean and Sam surround the machine with salt and also make a pentagramm to the roof above it. Then the demon can´t escape. Sheldon explains that it wouldn´t work but nobody listens. Penny falls in love with Dean right away and she tries to attract his attention every moment when it´s possible. When the brothers are ready, Sam reads some magical sentences from their father´s book. Right after that Dean opens the machine.

Dean: What!?! Just an ordinary mouse!?!

Sam: Really? Did we come here for nothing? You guys, you haven´t even opened it, didn´t you? We´re not pestscontrolers!

Penny: But if you´re tired because you´ve drived the whole way here, you can stay a night at my apartment. You can take care of me, I have been so scared…

Dean: Frankly my dear, I don´t give a damn.

The End
