The hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (year of release is 2012), the long-awaited fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson. Movie is the first of a three-part film adaptation of the novel The Hobbit (1937, by J.R.R. Tolkien). The script is written by Jackson and his collaborators Guillermo del Toro, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. Story’s principal character is Martin Freeman who act the part of Hobbit Bilbo Baggins. Other important actors of film are Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield), Ian McKellen (wizard Gandalf).
An Unexpected Journey –story set sixty years before The lord of the Rings in Middle-earth. Movie’s principal character in young Bilbo Baggins whose life change completely by the wizard Gandalf: Bilbo is convinced by the wizard Gandalf the Grey to accompany thirteen dwarves (Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Nori, Dori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur) led by the legendary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Bilbo reluctantly joins the company on their journey to the Lonely Mountain. Then starts exciting adventure, the quest to reclaim dwarves stolen home the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon. To achieve their goal they have to go across middle-earth and encounter many scary threats such as orcs, trolls, enormous colossuses made by stone and, of course, Gollum.
The film looks beautiful, characters are fun and memorable, and the special effects look amazing. Bilbo is pleasant and brave little man and Dwarves are loyal to each other, really pedantic and materialistic and Gandalf old and wise wizard.
Before I see the movie I had high impressions that it would be amazing fantasy story because the legendary Lord of the Rings have also been great, famous and award-winning movies. As I watched the movie I noticed more and more of how good it really is! After seeing the movie I wished the other parts of hobbit could come out as soon as possible !
All in all, the hobbit: An Unexpected Journey has good plot setup and great action but some scenes were too long I recommend this movie to fan of fantasy or Tolkien’s novels.. If you enjoyed entering Middle Earth over a decade ago, then I highly suggest watching the Hobbit.

Written by Emmaa
