The perks ofbeing a wallflower (1999)

The perks of being a wallflower is coming-of-age story written by Stephen Chbosky. It tells about Charlie whose freshman in high school who has habit to live in his own world but after making friends with two seniors in a football game his life turns around. They show him what the real world is like with its highs and lows. From his English teacher he learns that he has to participate more in life and not just observe everyone and live through them.

The way Charlie notices even the smallest details about everything is the reason why this book is so special. It doesn’t throw every single teenage stereotype in to your face which is more than refreshing and not only that but it also makes a little fun of those which is brilliant because it’s not something you see every day.

The book really makes you think your own life and it gives you a new perspective to look at this world but the most important thing is that it reminds you that you’re not only one which is good to remember once in a while. Because of that this is one of those books that you either take to yourself or if you can’t identify with Charlie don’t understand at all.

Characters are more real in this book than in any other book I have ever read. They are layered and they have this public side in them which make you thing you know the person and then there is this real person behind it which is sometimes hard to find in literature especially in book for teens. It shows that people who seem to have it all together really don’t and it proofs you’re stronger than you think you are and you can get through everything.

This is one of those books that everyone should have or should read because it’s life changing in a good way. It’s something you can go back over and over again and never get tired. It’s sign of a good book when you cry while reading it but can’t stop smiling after finishing  for days- or weeks.

”you see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understant. You’re a wallflower”

